Lansky LSAPS Pocket Arkansas Stone
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The Super Arkansas Pocket Stone is formed from Arkansas novaculite. It has two special grooves on one face for sharpening pointed objects, and comes with a leather pouch.
200-350 grit
Arkansas Pocket Stone
Step 1 - Apply a few drops of Nathan's Honing Oil to the stones surface
Step 2 - Place the blade’s edge against the flat side of the sharpener. While maintaining a consistent angle and with even pressure gently push the entire edge across the sharpener in a single stroke, much like attempting to slice a thin layer off the side.
Step 3 - Stroke 3-5 times and repeat this on the reverse side of the blade.
Step 4 - Continue this process until the blade is sharp.
Step 5 - Use hollow line to sharpen fish hooks or other pointed objects
Be Smart, Be Safe and Stay an Edge Above the Rest!
CAUTION: Knife sharpening is an inherently dangerous activity. Used properly this sharpening stone cannot hurt you but a carelessly handled blade or pointed object can.